The Real Human Hair Company 0
Micro Ring Hair Extensions, 0.7g Micro Ring, Mini Ring Extensions
The Real Human Hair Company
16 Inches
18 Inches
20 Inches
22 Inches
24 Inches


Micro Ring Hair Extensions, Remy Human Hair

Hair Type: 
European, Russian or Indian Hair made into single strand hair for micro ring extensions

Type Of Hair Extension: 
Micro Ring Hair Extensions, 0.7g Micro Ring, Mini Ring Extensions, Micro Link Hair Extensions

0.7g per strand, 120 strands per pack, colour matched micro rings will be included with your order. 

Country of Origin: 
Europe, Russia, North India


How long will the hair last? 
Virgin hair or dark colours: 1-2 years + 
Blonde Hair: 8 months - 1.5 years + 

Approx 1-2 weeks

Certificate of Authenticity:  
Yes, a certificate which guaranties that your hair is 100% virgin remy human hair and comes from its country of origin. 

Hair Extension Information:

Microring hair extensions are considered the most safest of cold fusion hair extension methods available. Micro ring hair extensions are known as a cold fusion hair extensions technology because they do not use heat for application into your hair. They were created to be smaller than individual 1g strands. Micro tip extensions are also known ad micro links and are usually 0.7g - 0.8g per strand and each strand is inserted into a microring along with a strand of your natural hair, pressed down, and fuses your hair and the hair extensions together without the use of heat.